2015 Community Calendar

Thank you to the talented high school students and their teachers who provided the extraordinary photography featured in our 2015 calendar.

We are especially grateful to Alameda High School, Marin Academy, Marin Catholic High School, Novato High School, San Rafael High School, Sir Francis Drake High School, Sonoma Academy, Sonoma Valley High School, Tamalpais High School and Terra Linda High School.

At Bank of Marin we are committed to supporting our local schools and communities and are dedicated to the success of those who live and work in the North and East Bays. To pick up your copy of the Bank of Marin calendar, visit your local branch.

Click on the thumbnails below to view a larger image.

China Camp
Eva Julia Brazer,
Tamalpais High School

Jana Viets,
Marin Catholic High School

Lisa Mallet,

Chris Perani,
Terra Linda High School

Texture Too
Samantha Kreling,
Marin School of the Arts at Novato High School

Cow 457
Jenna Hollander,
Marin School of the Arts at Novato High School

Cotton Candy
Maggie Pullinger,
San Rafael High School

China Camp
Christian Broms,
Sir Francis Drake High School

Wings Over Wine Country
Colin Traynor,
Sonoma Valley High School

Tamalpais Glow
Jack Lamarre,
Marin Academy

Sausalito Sun
Meghan Rooney,
Marin Catholic High School

Sunset in the Vineyards
Anna Stava,
Sonoma Valley High School

The Lonely Barn
Katelyne Kraft,
Sonoma Valley High School

By the Seashore
Andy Garcia,
San Rafael High School

Alameda Moving at a Blur
Matthew Mendoza,
Alameda High School

SA Tree
Owen Walthard,
Sonoma Academy

For more information about Bank of Marin’s Annual Community Calendar email communityrelations@bankofmarin.com.